Thanks to Irgun Limud HaTanya, Directed by R' Yoel Naparstek, the wellsprings of Chassidus flow outward, every single week, throughout Boro Park. Hundreds of Bachurim and Yungerlite spend time learning Tanya and are tested once a month on their understanding of the text.
As an added motivation, those who score over 80% receive a monetary reward.
The cost of facilitating the learning, as well as the hundreds of stipends awarded monthly, amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Irgun Limmud HaTanya of Boro Park invites you to be a part of this incredible effort of Hafatzas HaMaayanos by participating in the Irgun Limud HaTanya campaign.
In the merit of Hafatzas Hamayanos may we be zoche to the coming of Moshiach now!